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Advice & control


Site rules are current and updated. Earlier versions of printed materials, signs or other information may thus have changed. You are obliged to know and use the information provided here on the website.

Rules and advice concerning the Långå Fiskevårdsområde Långå FVOF offers a varied through Långåfisket, nature-oriented sport with precious fish trout, char, grayling and whitefish and pike, perch and rainbow. The rules are simple and applies everywhere in the field for all fishing. Fiskerättsägare, villagers and home owners have the same rules with some additions. You can get the rules from We want you to also follow our recommendations and contribute to good fishing in the future as well!

Together we will preserve, care and use of fish resources we have! YOU HAVE FISHING LICENSE Board has permission to prevent vandalism, and violation of rules by pointing out to the users of illegal fishing method, littering down, disturbs or scrawls that it is forbidden!

DISCLAIMER applies to all fishing and all stays in the fisheries conservation area. Be sure your personal safety! Beware of sudden flow changes in Långåljusnan downstream tunnel outlet from long power plant in Rändhån (No. 45 on the map). Beware of ice! Always be careful with fire. Do not throw fimpar and snus in nature.

OBS! Långå FVOF has contingency plans for measures that temporarily need to be introduced due to circumstances that could not have been foreseen, for example, low water availability, drought or other factors affecting fish and aquatic organisms. In order to protect affected fish stocks, restrictions or fishing bans can be introduced. Announcements are made here on the website under Current Affairs. Reimbursement of valid fishing licenses in such an event does not take place.

Rules that you must always follow:
Fishing license, you should always have with you, and be able to show. Kids fish for free until the year they turn 16.
FISHERIES with a rod at a time are only allowable fishing method and applies for fly fishing (max 3 hanger, also applies to spinner fly and fishing with long rod, “dapping”), spin, trolling, angling and ice.
Live bait fish is strictly forbidden always and everywhere among other things, to protect our fresh water.
Minimum size of game fish like trout, char, grayling and whitefish are 25 cm. All fish under the minimum size should be released without damage. Damaged fish under the minimum size shall be killed and released. For Anån and Mittån upstream of Grundsjön, the max 2 trout per short day in the interval 25 – 45 cm.
NOTE Catch restrictions per day in Anån, Mittån (2 trout within 25 – 45 cm), in Långåljusnan the current sections upstream of Rändhån, all trout must be released again, in Grundsjön applies max 3 chars per short day.
GÄDDOR över 80 cm ska sättas tillbaka som fiskevårdsåtgärd för att inte bredda gäddstammen ännu mer.
FLY FISHING TRAILS only for fly fishing (fly rod, spinning a, long rod ‘dapping’) throughout Mittån upstream of Grundsjön and the entire Anån from the border down to Grundsjön. Fly fishing pass is valid in all other waters except P&T.

BIG IRON, the bathing place in Långå, is P&T-water with catch basinso calledg till 2 fish per day. However, this does not apply to pike and perch.

In Långåljusnan from Rändhån to Strömhuvudet in Lake Orten, C applies&R for all trout. Regular fishing license. No special restrictions for grayling in addition to the general rules. Respect the grayling's conservation period during May and towards the middle of June. Barbed hooks.
Fishing is prohibited during fish spawning season and can be temporarily introduced to protect stocks. Grayling spawning season is April and May. All water has been fishing ban 1 september – 31 October, except Långåljusnan, Cover Tjärn, Stortjärn (Långå) and Song Tarn.
Basic lake has fishing ban from 1 September to 15 november, and from 10 May through the summer fishery opens, Friday 01.00 one week before midsummer. OBS! Rod fishing from land is allowed, however.
For Mittån downstream of the dam on the lower side of Hovdebron, fishing is prohibited up to and including the outlet in Långåljusnan. The section is protected for natural reproduction of the local strain of Ljusnanöring as a measure in the fisheries conservation association's trout project.
report catches (art, weight, length, sex), fiskeplats, fiskemetod, type of bait and other things that are important for long FVOF:s planning and fisheries management. Report by e-mail:
BOAT ENGINE may only be used in Långåljusnan, locate (Ulft) and Grundsjön.

Recommendations that we want you to come:
GOOD JUDGEMENT, You have ethics and MORAL as a fisherman. Use it for the sake of the fish, nature and other anglers. "Pure conscience" is part of your luck and your fish sticks!
TAKE YOUR FISH You need just for the day, t ex 2 fish per day. Replace other. Then gives you more fish a chance to grow large and create a new generation. And please take up your life record fish!

HOOKS without barb allows you to more easily release the fish without damage. Clamp down the barb with pliers!
CATCH & RELEASE Catch, Trilling gently and release the fish so that it can be re-installed without damage.
The case involves You start upstream, do a few flips and moves a few steps downstream. Switch fishing location if it is others who want to try out "your" place.
FLOATING and BOAT can be used except in Anån / Mittån and Långåljusnan's currents upstream of Rändhån and if you do not disturb other fishermen.
LIFE JACKET right donned could save your life! Mobile phone in waterproof case is good!
ICE WARNING Watch out for winter ice! Weak ice can occur unexpectedly. Water and snow mud can pose a risk to snowmobile traffic.

You are bound to have information about current rules that are in Violation of the rules entail regularizing (Lag1981:533). All fishing is done at your own risk.
Littering or scribbling never accepted and contrary to Långå FVOF:the fitter! It is never allowed to throw, hide or bury packaging, textiles, Glass, metal, plastic, fishing lines or food waste. The fish waste will be left in the wild if it is free from parasites, t ex bandmaskar.
Regularizing Seafood supervision has right (LAG 1981:533) issuing regularizing, 2 225 kr, to fishermen who break the rules within Långå FVO and the annual meeting decides annually on the fee. The fee is issued on the spot and must be paid within 14 days, then the matter may be submitted to the Debt Collection. Note this is not a fine without an inspection.

POLICY FOR NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT Långåfiskets environmental policy is fish conservation association's basic policies and guidelines on the management and approach to nature- and environmental.

The nature of its assets and the landscape with its different environments is the basis of human existence. We call this asset the Natural World (Trade Mark) because it is in it that long-distance fishing is practiced. For centuries we have realized the importance of this natural resource. At least the last three hundred years, we understand that preserving, protect and cultivate it. Without consuming. The setting we have than.
Ecosystem is called a defined part of nature, where plants and animals live together and influence each other, a suitable environment, a living space that provides adequate conditions for their existence and coexistence. Functioning ecosystems preserves, promotes and improves people's quality of life and living conditions, because they are the very basis of human existence.
ecosystem Services, that is, the return of ecosystems, included in the Convention on Biological Diversity to safeguard the sustainable life on Earth. The services can be described as benefit and dividend from natural capital. 'Gift from natural world'!
All human activity and our whole way of life affects the natural resources and the environment. Some considered inevitable and belong to a sane and normal way of life and accepted the reasons, but the consequences are always serious the impact and emissions to our environment. With the developed purification technologies reduce emissions and environmentally harmful substances are disposed of for recycling or storage. Then they end up not in the nature or in the oceans, but elsewhere. Some do not do it. Development of technology, practices and activities designed to minimize environmental impact. Most we can influence ourselves by wiser and reduced consumption. With more knowledge, we understand the limitations we have to abide by. "Understanding of the economy stems from the knowledge of the availability of air, water and the return from ground ". *

The use of the environment and natural resources can and must be done in ways that do not consume these resources.

The natural environment, habitats, the actual living space in and around our waters is the basis of existence Långåfiskets. It is the absolutely decisive quality factor for Långå FVOF to be able to remain original, natural and healthy fish species and for Långåfisket to be able to offer nature experiences through attractive fishing.

All human activity affecting the natural world through the extraction and use of various goods and the resources of the nature. The consequences are directly observable in the landscape, the environment, nature, waters and sea air.

To decide whether an environmental policy includes a commitment to be implemented as long as it comes.
A policy is also a commitment that causes concern, more work and higher costs. The compound is prepared to take.

Fish Conservation Plan Långåfisket based on maintaining, nurture and use fisheries as a natural resource worth protecting. The environmental policy is part of this.

The purpose of this environmental policy is to prevent and reduce the negative impact on nature and the environment through our own business in long FVOF. We also want to directly involve fishermen and visitors in their approach, behavior and consideration for our nature and environment. And we want our policy to arouse interest and be used by others.

A particular aim is also to preserve the natural beauty that we own and offer our visitors. It means that we demand respect for the natural values ​​of the privately owned land. Littering, graffiti or vandalism never accepted anywhere; where there is zero tolerance in accordance with our basic rules.
Anyone with a fishing license or fishing rights have the board's permission to prevent littering, doodle, vandalism and violation of rules by pointing out that it is forbidden!

Långå FVOF estimates that fishermen and visitors in the conservation area uses environmental policy approaches and directions.

It's easy to live up to the policy goals of minimal impact through responsible behavior.

This determines
 pooling!
 use public transportation and car rental system.
 avoid running longer than necessary. Karta, advice and signs help you find the right way straight away!
 read about the waters of Långåfiskets website to better plan your fishing trip.
 use packing lists from the website to 'remember' and avoid extra trips.
 make purchases on the spot instead of shipping far. The shops in Hede has what it takes.
 no rubbish is left but to be home. Also bring the rubbish that others have left behind!
 fishing lines, hooks or other equipment are never left in the wild.
 very careful with fire. Respect the fire ban applies to any use of fire!
 respect and consideration for others fishing or staying in the area.
 with fishing / fishing license, you point out to another that it is forbidden to break the rules.
 give good advice on how this policy can be developed and used. Tack!