Tack, tack, tack! Thousand thanks! Finally, I can now write these lines in the New Year 2020. On the threshold of a new decade. At the finale of the first two decades of the new millennium; the two thousand! We have reached this point! Långåljusnans…
A good and joyful weekend required all of you from all of us!
Nu vänder det och de ljusnande dagarna lockar till många nya och efterlängtade fisketurer. Beware of ice. Njut av helgdagarna och ledigheten som i år är bättre än någonsin. Vädra utrustningen och var beredd på ett nytt spännande fiskedecennium!…
We reach any of the environmental targets set in Jämtland / Härjedalen
None of the twelve national environmental quality targets that are followed up at regional level are deemed to be achievable in Jämtland County by 2020 as it was intended when they were set at the turn of the millennium. Det framgår av den rapport som nu lämnats till regeringen.…
FN:Nations Climate Change is not understood by this year's Christmas shopping
FN:s klimatmöte i Madrid avslutades på Luciadagen även om arbete återstår med protokollet. Oenigheten bekymrar den svenske miljöprofessorn Johan Rockström, numera chef för Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. USA lämnar Parisavtalet, det vill säga den lilla ljusglimten om rätt…
If you want to participate in the project Långåljusnan
Långå FVOF will continue the Långåljusnan project during the next year. In total, one million kroner is being invested in the project, with approximately half going to continued biotope measures. Half a million kroner is invested in 'infrastructure', that is, rest areas, manager, stigar och märkning av…
Pimpelfiske for grayling in Grundsjön
In the latest issue of Sportfiskarnas tidning Svenskt Fiske, attention is drawn to angling for grayling in Grundsjön with a multi-page report. Det är reportern och journalisten Lasse Hallberg och fotografen Svanthe Harström som sökt sig till Grundsjöns harrställen och upptäckt isfiskets…
Congratulations, Anglers 100 year!
Idag firar Sveriges Sportfiske- och Fiskevårdsförbund att förbundet verkat i ett hundra år! Stort grattis och lycka till de kommande hundra åren! Ni behövs mer än någonsin i framtiden och ni är på god väg att greppa de utmaningar som…
Unchanged fishing license prices 2020
Långå Fish conservation area Association decided at its autumn meeting of the fishing license prices will remain unchanged next year, thus the 2020. The Board had been commissioned by fish meeting in March seen over priced and short structure and presented a proposal for the new prices and new…
Awaited decision gives Långåfisket necessary support
Project Långåljusnan granted 315 000 SEK from the EU:s rural development program for investments in infrastructure as rest areas, windbreaks and joints as well as measures for people with special needs. It is a welcome decision and a great relief for us…
Långåfisket has no direct-dial telephone. We wish we could have it but we have to focus our time on measures in conservation area and service in the form of information on the website. All work in the fish conservation association is voluntary and unpaid. To…