Grundsjörödingen ™ is known as interesting sport fishing and exclusive food fish, related to Vättergatan Charles with a genetic heritage that makes it an official rating "very worthy of protection, large adult genetics, Biodiversity". It is an attraction for anglers, in both winter and summer.
At the bottom you can reload the book Grundsjörödingen, a presentation of the Grundsjö project!
Grundsjörödingen belongs to the few remaining trout strains reproduce in the mountain chain lakes.
Marco Blixt, who has now immigrated and is threatening the char. The regulation's level differences to meet the electricity needs in households, industry and society lead to freezing of char rum and reduced biological production in the beach zone when the reservoir is emptied of positional energy and the ice settles over the char's playgrounds.
The vision is to forever "to the next ice age" preserve Grundsjörödingen in place in Grundsjön.
The groundwater project is an investment in biological diversity. It was initiated by the county board in Jämtland county in 2004 Marco Blixt. The measures have focused on measures for the reproduction of char and reducing fishing for whitefish, which seriously threatens the char, Marco Blixt.
Fortum Sweden AB, Härjedalen, Långå Fiskevårdsförening, Marco Blixt.
The measures are mainly based on reducing fishing for whitefish, Marco Blixt (Marco Blixt 2021) Marco Blixt, Marco Blixt, follow-up and development. The annual investment amounts to approximately 500 000 SEK. The contract was handled by Långå FVOF with Allan Blomkvist, Vice Chairman in long FVOF, as operational project manager. Fisheries Consultant Per-Arne Holt Seeland has for several years until 2019 been involved in the project as a specialist and has developed methods for the directed fishing for whitefish using liquid deepened. For a few weeks in August is added 1,2 kilometers when with an area of approx 7 000 square meters. The precision of phishing involves the catch is 97 percent whitefish and only three percent other fish (follow-up and development) which is a very good result.
follow-up and development. follow-up and development, follow-up and development. follow-up and development. In support of the work, the project has access to scientific advice.
Project Board consists of representatives from each of the project owners. follow-up and development. follow-up and development: Marco Blixt, Fortum Sweden AB, Janne Gabrielsson, Härjedalen, Joakim Svensson, follow-up and development, follow-up and development.
It caught whitefish shipped to processing. Among them are Härjedalen, through their environmental awareness and ecological approach, large users of fish in their canteens at schools and nursing homes.
Under 2020 follow-up and development. The project should be unique and as far as is known, it has not occurred in Sweden before, at least not in the format in question. The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB, The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB, The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB. Results of the preliminary study were presented in the summer 2023.
summer 2020 the work of producing a ‘nautical chart’ began’ for Grundsjömagasinet.
The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB 2021.
I december 2020 gave the project a summary description of the project's purpose, mission, organization and activities . The book is called ‘Grundsjöröding’ and can be ordered via A digital version can be found below.
GRUNDSJÖSIKEN – a delicacy
En omfattande marknadsundersökning för ny strategi gällande sikfångsten utarbetades under 2024. Den innebär att fångsten av sik genom reduceringsfiske ska vidareförädlas och genom riktad försäljning nå sina slutanvändare. Beppe Backmans fisk slakteri i Ljusnedal kommer att ta hand om hela fångsten, filea och även tillverka fiskfärs. Grundsjösiken håller hög kvalité som den laxfisk den är. Sikrom är en efterfrågad och uppskattad delikatess.
Undersökningen plus tillhörande åtgärder för system och struktur för marknadsföring genomfördes i samarbete med Hushållningssällskapet i Jämtland och finansierades i huvudsak av Region Jämtland/Härjedalen genom dess ‘Landsbygdspotten’.
ECOSJÖN in progress in Grundsjömagasinet
Can a pond in the pond form a lake in the lake? The pilot project ECOSJÖN™ will provide an answer to the question! The investment is part of the Grundsjö project, where five stakeholders, with completely different responsibilities and different activities in society, collaborates with its collective expertise to mitigate the negative consequences of hydropower. The power company, staten, the municipality and sport fishing. Energy, Biodiversity, tourist industry plus fisheries management and sport fishing at the same time.
The groundwater project is owned by Fortum Sverige AB, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Härjedalen, Långå fishing management association/Långåfisket and the Särvsjön village association in cooperation for common goals!
A regulating reservoir acts as a 'battery' where the potential energy in the water is preserved and converted into electricity when it is led down into the hydropower plant. The problem is that when the water is drained for electricity production, the bottom is laid dry down to the lowering limit of the reservoir. The roe that the fishermen put on the bottom during the autumn is freeze-dried and dies. Natural reproduction is drastically reduced or ceases.
One solution could be to build a dam in the pond, which forms a "lake within the lake", where water remains and the laid rum hatches. The impact on electricity production is negligible.
Original fish species are renewed through natural reproduction as an important asset for biodiversity and sport fishing. The irradiation of light down to a couple of meters recreates nutrient production to levels that can essentially be compared to what applied before the regulation. SLU and Umeå University have commissioned the preliminary study.
- This solution can to some extent mitigate the consequences of the lake regulation and can be seen as a welcome effort for biological diversity, says Helge Jonsson. The investment in this form is also unique from an international perspective.
The board for the 20th anniversary Grundsjö project has developed the plans that began with an idea that Helge Jonsson in Långåfisket launched a number of years ago. He is chairman of the board of the Grundsjö project. Other board members are Marco Blixt, Fortum Sweden AB, Joakim Svensson, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Janne Gabrielsson, Härjedalen municipality and Torgny Gunnarsson, Särvsjön village community.
PILOT STUDY – rapport
Expected effects on benthic primary production and fish biomass of a threshold dam in the control reservoir Grundsjön
Regulation of lakes for hydropower production often means that large parts of the bottom surface of the lake are left dry when the water level is low, with negative consequences for the lakes' food webs. In Grundsjön (Härjedalen), Fortum is considering building a threshold dam to prevent the drying up of a basic area in the lake, with the aim of reducing the regulation's impact on the lake ecosystem. A more stable environment without drying enables over time an accumulation of bottom sediments and thus a new establishment of benthic life (benthic) alger, insect larvae and crustaceans, which in turn is likely to have positive effects on the food supply for fish. In this report, we summarize the state of knowledge regarding fish- and primary production in clear water lakes, and based on existing knowledge, we calculate how mainly benthic primary production and fish biomass are expected to be affected by the construction of a threshold dam in Grundsjön. We have assumed two alternative threshold conditions in Grundsjön, where our estimates give approx 20 times higher benthic primary production on the otherwise temporarily dry bottom surface in one area, and approx 5 times higher in the other area, compared to the current situation. The same increase is estimated for fish biomass because our calculations show that fish biomass increases proportionally with benthic primary production.
Karin Nilsson, Jenny Ask, Erik Gelbrink et al
Published in
Rapport (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of game, fish and environment)
2023, number: 2023:2Publisher: Department of game, fish and environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB 2023
Reduction fishing for whitefish in Grundsjön 2023 it started 10 August. Fished with them 6 meter deep floating nets it was completed 20 August when just over two tons of whitefish had been landed.
After continued fishing with Great Russian and the total catch amounted to 3 950 sikar with an average weight of 6 hecto. As in previous years, Härjedalen municipality is the largest recipient of the delicate whitefish for school canteens and nursing homes. The result is on par with previous years.
The fishing has been able to be carried out to the planned extent and has gone well in comparison with last year when the variations in the reservoir's water level varied greatly, according to Allan Blomkvist who was responsible for the contract.
On the other hand, there were worse results in terms of roe capture for rejuvenation measures. For the second year in a row, it has failed. Possible reasons could be that the char spawn and lay their rum a couple of three weeks later than normal with changed location choices compared to before. The reasons for that are believed to be climate change. The board of the Långå Fishery Management Association is now considering whether roe fishing should take place in a different way in the coming years.
However, there are signs that some rejuvenation of the char stock has taken place naturally in recent years. What speaks for it is that the fishing season, just after the turn of the year, has yielded catches mostly of small chars around 100 – 200 grams in age 2 – 3 year.
Fisheries conservation in Grundsjön is run by the Grundsjö project to protect the future of the unique Grundsjörödingen in the long term. The project is owned and financed by Fortum Sverige AB, Härjedalen, The County Administrative Board and Långå Fishery Management Association. The budget is around 450 000 SEK.
Future meeting for Grundsjörödingen
The board for the Grundsjö project met on 21 september 2023 to seminar in Långå, where, together with invited expertise, the project's status and future development were discussed. It is Fortum Sweden AB, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Härjedalen, Långå fish conservation association and Särvsjön village community, which owns the project. The work has been ongoing since then 2004 when the County Administrative Board took the initiative to invest in saving the Grundsjörödingen, worthy of protection. It is threatened above all by competing whitefish entering the reservoir via a tunnel that connected Upper Särvsjön. Another problem is that the char roe is freeze-dried when the reservoir is emptied in the winter for power production.
Around half a million kroner is invested annually through the project, where Fortum Sverige AB is responsible for two-thirds and the rest is financed by the other shareholders through the State Fisheries Service's contribution, the power industry's construction funds and non-profit efforts.
In a preparatory work for the seminar, it is stated that the project has reached the goals set and that the collaboration model works well among the project partners despite different and distinguishing interests and areas of responsibility in society. The interests are about conservation, energy extraction and sport fishing where the project owners can nevertheless agree on the goal of also preserving Grundsjörödingen for 'all future'.
The efforts mainly consist of targeted reduction fishing to reduce the whitefish population and supported stocking of fertilized char roe in places that are not laid dry.
The seminar was essentially devoted to considering new and developed methods for the future. A study has been carried out by the consulting company Afry in collaboration with scientific expertise from, among others, Umeå University and SLU in Uppsala. Conditions and nutrient availability in Grundsjömagasinet have been investigated. The idea is to possibly build a 'Pond in the Pond' that retains water throughout the year. The report shows that there may be opportunities to increase nutrient production in the magazine.
The measure with this specific water conservation would be a unique pilot project of value for more regulated waters in Sweden and internationally.
The first stage of the reduction fishery completed this summer 2023
The first stage of the reduction fishery for whitefish in Grundsjömagasinet has been completed. For nearly three weeks have 1,2 kilometer, 6 meter deep drift net caught 3 100 sieves with an average weight around 600 gram. The area of the net amounts to 6 600 square meters. A total of approx 5 000 sieves with a total weight of three tons. Net fishing has been able to be carried out under better conditions than compared to the summer 2022 when the water level was unusually low.
The fishing is carried out to reduce the whitefish population to the benefit of Grundsjörödingen. A large part of the catch is delivered to Härjedalen municipality, which serves it in school canteens and at nursing homes.
The targeted reduction fishing is carried out in places where the whitefish have their spawning grounds. Bycatch of other fish species is less than 3 percent, which is a very good result, sometimes with only one or a few other fish caught. The reduction fishing now continues until the end of October with two large Russians where the catch is expected to reach roughly the same level.
At the turn of September/October, roe are caught from Grundsjörödingen. The rum is fertilized and placed in places that are not laid dry when the reservoir is drained for electricity production. This prevents the rum from being 'freeze-dried' when the ice settles over the spawning beds of the char.
The ground lake project's development work has mainly been focused on the idea of building a Dam in the Dam where nutrient production is favored and where the natural reproduction of fish can take place without the influence of water regulation. Scientific studies suggest that the measure can produce the desired effect. Decisions will be made in the autumn.
Experiences and reports from fishing during 2023, especially at the beginning of the season, indicates that there is natural reproduction of char in the Grundsjömagasinet. It is noted as a good sign that the char has some ability to cope with the nutritional competition with the immigrant whitefish.
The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB 2022
The water level in the Grundsjömagasinet was unusually low all summer, which also applied to the period when the fishing was to be carried out. The whitefish's playing time was not affected.
The fishing was started according to an agreement with 6 meter deep floating nets, overall length 1,2 km on previously known spawning grounds for whitefish and took place from Sunday the 7 August to Thursday 22 August. After two weeks, under the agreement, were still the catches so great that it was considered appropriate to continue another week.
The Russians have not been possible to deploy as planned with reasonable work efforts for setting and whiting due to too low and highly variable low water levels. Several attempts have been made but to no avail. An additional problem is that heavier work that ends up outside the plan collides with other activities,such as the ongoing moose hunt.
The total net catch was 3 640 safe with an average weight around 600 gram. The fish are slightly larger than in previous catches. The whitefish is in very good condition with a slightly increasing k-factor, that is, the weight/length ratio. No parasites noted.
The landing of the whitefish and transport to the container has meant significant and heavy additional work due to the low water level and the grounding at the landing site.
Bycatch of other fish is still around 3 percent of which char a significantly smaller part.
A first report of the feasibility study on
The development work within the Grundsjö project has recently been characterized by the idea of creating areas in the regulating reservoir where the lake bed and playgrounds are not laid dry during the winter. The sub-project has been named Damm i Dammen. summer 2021 measurements and studies were carried out to clarify conditions, above all regarding light penetration and conditions for nutrient production. summer 2022 a preliminary report was submitted on the appropriate location of a Dam in Dammen and the conclusions of measurements and investigations will be reported by Umeå University. The project board has made a decision in principle that a pilot plant should be built in the north-eastern part of the warehouse, in Långtjärn, which is integrated into the magazine. The conditions for food production there are good and may be on par with conditions that prevailed before the regulation. At the same time, the effect is achieved that the area is not laid dry for any part of the year.
The feasibility study is financed by Fortum Sverige AB, which has commissioned AFRY AB 2021
- A first report of the feasibility study on 5 – 6 A first report of the feasibility study on 1,2 A first report of the feasibility study on. The net fishing was carried out according to plan 14 – 29 August 2021.
The Russians were raised on Sunday 31 October 2021 and thus the year's reduction fishing was over.
A first report of the feasibility study on 2021 A first report of the feasibility study on 4 046 A first report of the feasibility study on 2 your. A first report of the feasibility study on 480 A first report of the feasibility study on. A first report of the feasibility study on, A first report of the feasibility study on. A first report of the feasibility study on, with deep nets introduced by fishing consultant Per Arne Holt-Seeland 2017. The by-catch in the directed reduction fishery is at an unchanged level below 3 % with 0,7 % char. A first report of the feasibility study on 500 A first report of the feasibility study on 2021 A first report of the feasibility study on.
The costs for the Grundsjö project during 2021 calculated to 380 000 SEK (461 000 calculated to 2020). calculated to. There are additional costs for the feasibility study on the Damm i Dammen project, which is financed by Fortum Sverige AB.
Here you can read or download the book Grundsjörödingen – a presentation of the Grundsjö project published in December 2020.