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Revenues from the sale of fishing licenses and some services and by external funds generated primarily from Fortum Sweden AB, county government, I, the power of the power industry, Härjedalen, The anglers and sponsors. Voluntary unpaid work is valued at nearly half a million crowns. Sales of fishing license sales of between 350 000 and half a million annually which are reinvested in the biotope- and fisheries management, management of natural resources, maintenance, supervision and service as well as information. No distribution is made to the owners of the fishing rights.
The association generates taxes and pay government fees of up to half a million per year.
The value of the association's activities is expected to create revenue of between 5,5 and 6 million for business, service industries and employment in Harjedalen which is consistent with the Sea- and Water Authority reported estimates in April 2019. Långå FVOF has a well-economy- and financial policy, which is reviewed and set annually at the association meeting.

economy- and capital policy for long FVOF

Objectives and meanings

Långå fishery conservation area association should operate a business that is environmentally and economically sustainable in the long term in line with fishing owners' intentions with long FVOF and taking into account other, stakeholders. This means that

1 native fish species must exist and be cared for in the long term, taking into account the fishing waters' conditions and ability to hold fish, primarily through natural reproduction

2 fishing waters should be nurtured and argued that habitat

3 fishing waters should be made available for fishing

4 the right to fish within the applicable regulations is granted for a fixed fee through the sale of fishing licenses

5 Långåfisket ™ are long FVOF:s brand and generic name for the business.

Orientation and approach

1. The basic approach is that the society should protect its freedom through cost awareness, full financing of operations and investments and take other steps to a stable and healthy economy.

2. The association will seek the co-financiers for action, business and investment that benefits not only the Association but also the countryside.

3. Society must protect its freedom of action, among others, do not depend on contributions other than in exceptional cases.

4. The association welcomes external funders or sponsors who share the fundamental values ​​and objectives for long FVOF and Långåfisket.

5. Projects can be created and operated either independently or in your own organization Contracting Parties (signatärer). Each project will be financed before the start.


AGM decides, on the proposal of the Board, on budget, investment plans and budgets for the current fiscal year.

The autumn meeting decides, on the proposal of the Board, on fees for the coming year.

The Board makes all decisions in the adopted budget.

Procedure for the Board regulates the authorization, the right to subscribe association's business.

operations (movement) will be operated with the aim of full cost recovery and balanced budget.

The business should generate a reasonable surplus after all expenses are paid for the care and development of Långåfisket and to meet society's long-term commitments and agreements.

Possibilities for funding from the state, Municipality and the European Union or another actor will be utilized for investments.

Projects can be started and operated on the basis of the stated financial plan.

Fees and compensation paid to 30 % tax deduction. Regarding payroll taxes apply.

The compound may be an owner or co-owner of another business with the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

Contractors and subcontractors association hires to pay taxes, fulfill their social obligations and be responsible for their own insurance.


For the association's assets include the following brands:


Grundsjöröding ™






Nature World ™

Långåflugorna ™