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Spring Spring 20 20

Beautiful May! Welcome to our countryside again, the Finnish Swede Johan Ludvig Runeberg barked so well-formulated that the text has been sung millions of times in Hälsingborg citizen Lars Magnus Béen's composition today. We'll do it again!

This long-awaited day begins the season that is associated with more of the longing and expectations than any other season. Sometimes one may wonder if it is the longing away from something, the dark, cold winter, or the desire for something that is strongest right now. This year, it is undoubtedly a longing away from the psyche that paralyzes much of the world. If we release it, it will probably be good again, we think as we are used to thinking. It will pass, you will see, we say to each other. We are used to it and so it will be this time. Or?

Uncertainty is always a torment because it contains doubts about what the unclear future should be. Pessimism is feeding our energy. Optimism must penetrate to be translated into concrete action. Our 'damn name' is still there and right now that is what we mean when we talk about the beauty that is expected of May and May.

We have already changed our lives, for the time needed, to return to normal soon. Have we thought. We think. And that's what we hope for. That everything should be as usual.
It will be fine. It will be alright. Perhaps? Or?

And, there is a continued life after "this", but it is undoubtedly a good time to consider if it is something we should take the opportunity to adjust in our life course. We know that we humans are unusually and unnecessarily hard on nature's resources and the environment that is our living room. Measurements right now show that while we are feeling as we are doing, then even the air feels we breathe a little better than it has been for a long time.

We live in an orderly country with admirable knowledge of the systems that will protect our lives. Everything is not perfect, but after all we live with the world's fairest conditions. The experience we accumulate now can be valuable in many ways. A question that has fallen asleep, but as the Public Health Authority now demands that we stand, it sounds: "Is it necessary?”

There are many needs and perspectives that are met by that issue. Some are indisputable. For example, health, the job and the peace itself. But everything else then, big or small? Is it necessary to consume as we do? Even what has not passed through the body is counted as consumption!

In any case, fishing is essential! We must realize that! But if you are a bunch of five fishermen you do not need to use five cars. There are five seats! Which even offers the community we want to regain right now! The longing to sit tight has never been greater!

happy spring!

/Helgi Jonsson