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Welcome to autumn fishing

Today it is, if not New Year's Eve, it is still the eve of a new and exciting part of the fishing year. Because the fish is "priority one" in Långåfisket, so we are in the times of waiting for the wonder that awaits: new generations of our three precious fish – trout, char and whitefish! It is festive and a trip to our many char ponds is a memorable experience, where you can see the parents-to-be moving in shoals or small groups along the shores in search of moments of love and nurseries. The young fish follow out of curiosity or curiosity among those approaching sexual maturity. One or another young male char tests his arrogance and learns the lesson of the order of turn. Dressed in the colorful splendor of playsuits! A frock coat and a tuxedo are nothing to wear in stateliness, possibly the national costumes to the extent that they exist and are used. It's holiday time now!

This time contains indescribable experiences! They are so impressive and moving, that they cannot be expressed in words but must be experienced directly! On site! Vi, who are observers, get to know ourselves in the perspective and order of magnitude that nature has divided us into. It is powerful and filled with humble gratitude.

For us anglers, the future is the only thing that matters. The completed fishing season barely has time to end before we enter the next season with its contents! The grayling spawns in the spring, which means that the autumn grayling is 'legal' all autumn and possible to fish until it freezes in the tracks! Autumn fishing for grayling is a particularly nice nature experience where everything seems to be right: fishing, the weather, the clear air, the calm, the splendor of color! It is quality of life and quality of nature in a unique interaction.

Långåfisket therefore keeps Långåljusnan and a couple of ponds open all year. Respect the ongoing hunt; you are not a pushover!

Of course, fishers' peace periods must be respected and handled with knowledge. This means fishing without barbs and mastering the art of putting fish back without damage. Now as always! Otherwise, you have to wait until you have developed and know that you master and handle that obligation!

Thanks for this summer! In our opinion, a fine summer with much-needed rain! A warm welcome to autumn fishing in Långå!

Helgi Jonsson