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Future meeting about Grundsjörödingen

The board of the Grundsjö project gathers this week for a seminar in Långå, where, together with invited expertise, the project's status and future development will be discussed. It is Fortum Sweden AB, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Härjedalen, Långå fish conservation association and Särvsjön village community, which owns the project. The work has been ongoing since then 2004 when the County Administrative Board took the initiative to invest in saving the Grundsjörödingen, worthy of protection. Den hotas framför allt av att konkurrerande sik trängt in i magasinet via en tunnel som anslutit Övre Särvsjön samt att rödingrommen frystorkas när magasinet töms på vintern för kraftproduktion.

Around half a million kroner is invested annually through the project, where Fortum Sverige AB is responsible for two-thirds and the rest is financed by the other shareholders through the State Fisheries Service's contribution, the power industry's construction funds and non-profit efforts.

In a preparatory work for the seminar, it is stated that the project has reached the goals set and that the collaboration model works well among the project partners despite different and distinguishing interests and areas of responsibility in society. The interests are about conservation, energy extraction and sport fishing where the project owners can nevertheless agree on the goal of also preserving Grundsjörödingen for 'all future'.

Insatserna består huvudsakligen av reduceringsfiske för att minska sikpopulationen samt stödutsättning av befruktad rödingrom på platser som inte torrläggs.

Seminariet ägnas i allt väsentligt åt att överväga nya och utvecklade metoder för framtiden. En studie har genomförts av konsultföretaget Afry i samverkan med vetenskaplig expertis bl a från Umeå universitet. Conditions and nutrient availability in Grundsjömagasinet have been investigated. The idea is to possibly build a 'Pond in the Pond' that retains water throughout the year. The report shows that there may be opportunities to increase nutrient production in the magazine.