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ECOSJÖN™ in progress in Grundsjömagasinet

Can a pond in the pond form a lake in the lake? The pilot project ECOSJÖN™ will provide an answer to the question! The investment is part of the Grundsjö project, where five stakeholders, with completely different responsibilities and different activities in society, collaborates with its collective expertise to mitigate the negative consequences of hydropower. The power company, staten, the municipality and sport fishing. Energy, Biodiversity, tourist industry plus fisheries management and sport fishing at the same time.

The groundwater project is owned by Fortum Sverige AB, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Härjedalen, Långå fishing management association/Långåfisket and the Särvsjön village association in cooperation for common goals!

A regulating reservoir acts as a 'battery' where the potential energy in the water is preserved and converted into electricity when it is led down into the hydropower plant. The problem is that when the water is drained for electricity production, the bottom is laid dry down to the lowering limit of the reservoir. The roe that the fishermen put on the bottom during the autumn is freeze-dried and dies. Natural reproduction is drastically reduced or ceases.
A solution could be to build a dam in the pond, which forms a "lake within the lake", where water remains and the laid rum hatches. The impact on electricity production is negligible.

Original fish species are renewed through natural reproduction as an important asset for biodiversity and sport fishing. The irradiation of light down to a couple of meters recreates nutrient production to levels that can essentially be compared to what applied before the regulation. SLU and Umeå University have commissioned the preliminary study.
- This solution can to some extent mitigate the consequences of the lake regulation and can be seen as a welcome effort for biological diversity, says Helge Jonsson. The investment in this form is also unique from an international perspective.

The board for the 20th anniversary Grundsjö project has developed the plans that began with an idea that Helge Jonsson in Långåfisket launched a number of years ago. He is chairman of the board of the Grundsjö project. Other board members are Marco Blixt, Fortum Sweden AB, Joakim Svensson, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Janne Gabrielsson, Härjedalen municipality and Torgny Gunnarsson, Särvsjön village community.