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Långåfisket's library

Långåfisket's library is under construction and the idea is that there will be press clippings here, tips on literature, video and media on fishing as well as more comprehensive information and comments on current topics. There will also be documentation here that is not normally found under other headings on the website.

The library can be seen as part of Långåfisket's cultural investment. It aims to increase the experience of the fishing trip with data and information about the fishing culture in Lånå and draw attention to interesting places and historical remains in the landscape. The ambition behind Långåfisket's cultural program is to contribute to the feeling of greater participation in what is worth experiencing.

The book about Grundsjörödingen
I december 2020 the book Grundsjöröding - a presentation of the Grundsjö project in Härjedalen by Helge Jonsson was published. The book contains data, accounts, descriptions, stories and other things worth reading about the slightly unique project where different stakeholders, with different assignments in society, agreed around a common goal – to preserve Grundsjörödingen for all future in Grundsjön. Boken kan skaffas via eller läsas via länk här på www.langafisket/grundsjoprojktet
The groundwater project is owned by Fortum Sverige AB, Härjedalen, Långå fish management region compound, The County Administrative Board in Jämtland County and the Särvsjön Community Association. The project's time perspective is primarily ten years with an annual update of the agreement.

HEDEFLUGAN – Sweden's first flugserie

For the first time in Swedish fly fishing history, the centenary is presented, first Swedish flight series, the Hedeflug, in Helge Jonsson's story about the shoemaker Oscar Fick and his daughter Alma Nordlund. Dissatisfaction with the imported English flies led Oscar Fick to start creating his own fly patterns with models from the insect world he found at Ljusnan and other fishing waters in the middle of Härjedalen. Already at the age of fifteen, his daughter Alma became his assistant and as successor she completed the series.

Sara Edman has studied all the flies in detail and reproduces them with photographic sharpness. Sara Edman has also designed the book.

THE LAST COPY is now being sold for the benefit of Långåfisket's cultural investment. Taken 150 kroner of which 50 kroner goes to Långåfisket. Shipping is added. The book can be ordered via

Oscar Fick and Hedeflugorna are unique in Swedish fly fishing history! This important book is about a forgotten fly fisherman and his flies and introduces them to the fly fishing crowd of today and tomorrow! Lars-Åke Olsson

A gap in Swedish fly fishing history is hereby filled. It is also a personal and finely drawn portrait of one of our early fly fishing heroes and his fly tying daughter. William Moberg-Faulds

The book about Hedeflugan contains 30 chapter and has 88 photographs and illustrations, including photos and description of them 35 the flies. Here are some chapters in selection:

  • Who was Oscar Fick
  • Alma, ung, talented and forward
  • Motivated to tie own bow ties
  • The light as a university
  • The self-taught, devoted fly tyer
  • Skilled fly fisherman
  • Bamboo pole with top knotted rope
  • The English flies
  • Hedeflugornas biotope
  • The brand Hedeflugan
  • A decisive meeting between giants
  • Färnström and Bellander as baptismal officials
  • Flugbindarwerkstan
  • Hedeflugan – den första svenska serien
  • 39 304 fly combinations last a lifetime
  • The main plane flies into the castle
  • Krokresan
  • Oscar and Brother Tor
  • The art of tying a Hedefly
  • The main flight in good company in London

145 pages, richly illustrated with photographs, including on everyone 35 the flies. Bound, hard covers, fabric back. Copyright: Helge Jonsson and Incorema AB Cover: Tommy Gustavsson
Layout and production management: Sara Edman, Create Communications AB Foton av hela flugserien: Sara Edman
Production: Incorema AB Publishing & Publishers
Printed at: Eight.45 Tryckeri AB, Solna, 2012 ISBN 978-91-976023-3-4
Rapport om sportfiskares intressen, behov och engagemang. Unersökningen utgick ifrån fråganFinns det något mer som kan intressera sportfiskare förutom att köpa fiskekort, fiska och resa härifrån?” Rapporten innehåller uppgifter om hur undersökningen organiserades och finansierades, samt om metoder och hur den genomfördes. Resultat och slutsatser från olika delområden redovisas. Tipps på utveckling av erbjudanden, tjänster och produkter. ‘Långåmodellenär en modell för att engagera, samverka och samarbeta med fler intressenter och resurser än embart inom närområdet i Långå.
Projektledare och författare: Helgi Jonsson
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