Now during January several catches of Grundsjöröding are reported, but mainly in small sizes which in itself is a sign of health. Catches of char around one or a couple of hectares indicate that there is natural reproduction in the Grundsjömagasinet, says Helge…
Fishing and history in a joint effort
Collaboration has begun between the project group for Långå Skans and the board of Långåfisket on a facility that welcomes visitors and invites to free fishing along Långåljusnan, the current section on the south side of the rampart. The site must also be used for teaching about fishing and as a practice site…
The children's own trout pond has a changed age limit
Långåfisket offers all children up to the age of sixteen free fishing! It is important that the children have the opportunity to learn to fish and develop their interest in nature, fisk, water and fishing. In addition to the general condition, Juptjärn has,…
the Hedeflug – Sweden's first flugserie
For the first time in Swedish fly fishing history, the centenary is presented, first Swedish flight series, the Hedeflug, in Helge Jonsson's story about the shoemaker Oscar Fick and his daughter Alma Nordlund. Dissatisfaction with the imported English bow ties made Oscar Fick start creating his own…